Our Vision
The EPOCH event of the automobile world will fundamentally alter choices. Through a coordinated alliance of business, it is envisioned that unique vehicles, tailored to each customer can be economically offered for the consumers choice.
With our modest resources, the Psycho-Active team has in fact the same strategy for building first prototypes with the choice of off-the-shelf technology available today. Our car will continually evolve in pace with successful milestones.
The EPOCH design choice made so far has been to radically re-think the car engine as a rotary propulsion system. The revolutionary concept allows engineering choices unheard of before and addresses inherent, internal and operational inefficiencies of conventional engines.
The elegantly simple system is adaptable, self starting, energy recycling, and integrated with regenerative braking.
Demonstration of this unique rotary displacement will have positive effects in many other applications.
The members of the X-prize Foundation are to be commended for their focus on initiating improved technologies that will significantly benefit society world-wide... now and for years to come.